About Us
We are a small family run, long established business in based in Suffolk UK. We specialise in handmade stunning genuine Italian leather handbags made in Tuscany Italy. Our handbags range includes camera style bags and phone bags, crossbody messenger bags, shoulder bags, convertible backpacks rucksacks, soft slouch styles, totes, shoppers top handle / grab bags, leather gloves, leather purses and beautiful faux fur shawls.
We offer a first class customer service (just like we would like to receive ourselves), answer questions quickly and are always here to help and advise. All our orders are checked thoroughly before mailing, carefully packed and are normally mailed the next working day with full tracking so you are able to track your order. All leather handbags are free standard UK delivery and free standard UK returns. Other postage options available, expedited delivery and next day delivery options. We offer a no nonsense returns and money back guarantee. Safe and secure payment options including secure payments can be taken over the telephone.
Our shop is continually updated with the latest designs but please do not hesitate to contact us if you have seen a style that is not listed. We have long been praised for our selection, presentation, quality and price of our beautiful handmade Italian leather handbags and small selection of non leather fashion items.
Why Italian leather many people ask? We can buy leather handbags from all over the world but the Italian leather is by far the best for quality, style and beautiful stunning designs.
We will only be too happy to help you with any queries or questions you may have and aim to provide excellent quality of service. Happy shopping!